Informace o tématu

Název práce: Numerical simulation of the caviting flow
Úroveň: MSc Thesis
Pokračování práce: Nothing
Vedoucí práce: M.Sc. Miloš Müller, Ph.D.

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Konzultant: Milan Sedlář
Anotace: Current approaches used for the simulation of the caviting flow
Physical model used for the description of the cavitation erosion potential
Set up the simulation model (CFD) according to the real experiment on the cavitation tunnel
Testing of numerical models for the cavitaing flow simulation for selected regime
Comparison of the simulations with the experiments on cavitation tunnel
Prediction of the cavitation damage for the tested geometry
Předpokládaný výsledek: Diploma thesis
Literatura: Computational Techniques and Analysis of Cavitating-Fluid Flows, Disertation, Kinzel, Michael Patrick,2008
Fluid Dynamics of Cavitation and Cavitating Turbopumps, Luca D'Agostino; Maria Vittoria Salvetti, Springer, cop. 2007.
Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics. Brennen, Christopher Earls (1995) Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics. Oxford University Press , New York.
Franc, J. - P., & Michel, J. M. (2004). Fundamentals of cavitation. In Fluid Mechanics and its applications. Kluwer Publ.
Zadavatel: TUL
Datum zveřejnění: 09.10.2016

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