Informace o tématu

Název práce: Heat loss calculation of buiding
Úroveň: BSc Thesis
Pokračování práce: Nothing
Vedoucí práce: M.Sc. Petr Novotný, Ph.D.

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Konzultant: -
Anotace: Objective of this work was to pass present construction state of house in Liberec and to suggest optimalization for energy conservation on heating. On the heat-loss calculation resolutions, choice variants heat cladding constructions and capital expenditure, to recommend source for new heating system. Project documents of house weren't available, composition construction and proportions were to be assumed from original national scheme of assistance and from take measurements. To heat loss calculation object were defined first given conditions locations, i. e. a computational outside temperature, an elevation above sea-level, an intensity wind. In next step the building rating object, it means thermally technical characteristic constructions. These funds were to be engaged to the programme firm Protech, Ltd in the town Nový Bor, according to the methods effected calculation for every room separately. Because constructions don't suit its thermal resistance today's needs, 4 variants were to be designed heat cladding and advised the capital expenditure and the calculate savings. Proposal boiler - room is effected for variant heat cladding object preferred by some investors, in spite of acts about best - saving solving, because it presumed the heat cladding siding, too. Inasmuch as, that the thing is a historical object with dominant granite elements that this method of the heat cladding would quell an individuality of architecture in Liberec from beginning last century. At the close this work primary objective is stated for survey rules prosecution building that the will lead to dispraise power heftiness on heating out of limits up-to-date facilities heat fair weather for its user.
Předpokládaný výsledek:
  1. Problematika výpočtu tepelných ztrát budov
  2. Výpočet tepelných ztrát zadané budovy, možnosti snížení spotřeby tepla
  3. Zdroje tepla kondenzační kotel a tepelné čerpadlo
  4. Porovnání nákladů provozních a investičních pro zadané zdroje tepla
  • Bašta J.: Hydraulika a řízení otopných soustav, ČVUT Praha, 2003 ISBN 80-01-02808-9
  • Brož K.: Vytápění, ČVUT Praha, 2002 ISBN 80-01-02536-5
Zadavatel: KEZ
Datum zveřejnění: 05.01.2009
Zvoleno dne: 05.01.2009
Zvoleno studentem: Hégrová (Mošnerová), Božena
Obhájeno dne: 08.02.2010
Obhájeno s hodnocením: Succeeded
Odkaz do stagu: Podrobnější informace o tématu na stag. 
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