Informace o tématu

Název práce: Heating in basic school
Úroveň: BSc Thesis
Pokračování práce: Nothing
Vedoucí práce: M.Sc. Petr Novotný, Ph.D.

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Konzultant: Doc. Ing. Václav Dvořák, Ph.D.
Anotace: The aim of this bachelor thesis is to analyze the current method of heating, condition of the buildings and the whole technical equipment that influences the consumption of fuels. On the basis of these facts it is necessary to define the probable causes of the high costs of heating and suggest some saving measures. The Primary School in Český Dub consists of eight buildings. Six out of them were built fifteen years ago so the drawing documentation is still kept. Due to building modifications a drawing documentation was also created for the old buildings and was obtained at the Building Authority in Český Dub. Firstly an example building (C) was chosen, documents were sorted, then dimensions of the building, used materials, theirs features, composition and application were found out. Also standardized values for the temperatures in the classrooms, in the corridors, in the staff rooms, heat transfer coefficient on the inside part of the surface, the temperature of the winter extreme of the area where the school is situated were searched. Thanks to these values was possible count heat transfer coefficient through each part of the construction. The measurements of the individual building parts were added up. From the gained values the total heat losses of the building were counted and later compared with the values from the building documentations. In the diary of the boiler room was stated a method of operation of equipment, outdoor temperatures, heating times, heating water temperature and the consumption of the fuel. The costs with the current requests on the energy consumption of the buildings were compared. In the end of the thesis some changes in the rules of the operation of cressets and heating systems are suggested, replacement of cressets for condensing cressets to lower the energetic consumption of the school building complex, without compromising the thermal comfort of the user.
Předpokládaný výsledek:
  1. Vyberte jednu budovu a ze stavební dokumentace určete tepelné ztráty těchto prostor.
  2. Proveďte analýzu současného stavu vytápění a určete pravděpodobnou příčinu vysokých nákladů na vytápění.
  3. Porovnejte tyto náklady se současnými požadavky na energetickou náročnost budov.
  4. Navrhněte změny v systému vytápění, rekonstrukci kotelny, nebo výměnu kotlů tak aby byly snížena energetická náročnost školního komplexu.
  • Chyský Jaroslav, Hemzal Karel : Větrání a Klimatizace, 2002, ISBN 80-901574-0-8
  • Gebauer G., Rubinová O., Horká H.: Vzduchotechnika, 2005, ISBN 80-7366-027--X
  • Brož K.: Vytápění, 2002, ISBN 80-01-02536-5, ČVUT Praha
Zadavatel: KEZ
Datum zveřejnění: 21.03.2012
Zvoleno dne: 21.03.2012
Zvoleno studentem: Červa, Tomáš
Obhájeno dne: 21.06.2012
Obhájeno s hodnocením: Very well
Odkaz do stagu: Podrobnější informace o tématu na stag. 
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